Welcome to the Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog

This blog is designed to be a bulletin and chronicle for the women of the Centralia Washington Stake Relief Society. It is intended to be a resource of past and upcoming events, news, announcements and information related to the Centralia Stake Relief Society. The Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog also provides quick links to other websites (LDS related). THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SITE FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stake Relief Society Message July

As we celebrate our National Independence this month as well as the advent of Latter-day Saints into the Utah Valley, we might also consider what we personally have done with our freedom, abilities and opportunities. 
We read in the scriptures that the glory of God is intelligence, to seek learning and wisdom, to teach one another and to become all that we can.
On the LDS.org website it explains, “Although “education” often suggests formal schooling, Latter-day Saints recognize that it should involve far more than that. They are encouraged to regard education as an individual responsibility,[18] and they are taught that each person ought to pursue education independently in the context of their own lives, learning in the ways and to the extent that their circumstances allow.[19] While they view formal educational programs as indispensible, Mormons also value individual reading, study, thought and observation of many kinds. They affirm that a wealth of knowledge is available to all those who will engage it. Finally, to Latter-day Saints, education is a principle that spans eternity. Mormon scripture teaches that “whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life” will follow us in the hereafter (Doctrine and Covenants 130:18). Latter-day Saints also see in education a perpetual enterprise; they anticipate and hope for a long course of learning that extends indefinitely into the future.”
A new opportunity is being presented in our area to further our knowledge and learning. The BYUIdaho Pathway program is being introduce to our area this Fall. This low-cost educational program is designed to give students the confidence, skills, and hope they need to succeed in college by completing degrees and professional certificates. Students attend local gatherings and institute instruction at nearly 200 sites across the world. The classes in our area will be held on Thursday nights at the Overhulse building in Olympia. Two groups will meet weekly ages 18-32 and 33 and up. If you are looking to go back to College or start College - look into the BYU Pathway program Visit : http://www.byui.edu/about/defining-aspects/pathway You can apply now.
When I read the accounts of women in the early days of the church, I marvel at their intellect, ambition and Faith! We are equally capable.
“Women: We women need to do a better job of claiming the power and direct access that comes from being a child of God and realizing that power in the choices we make in our own lives. Ours is not a gospel of limitation; it is a gospel of empowerment to get the education we want, pursue our dreams, work in partnerships with spouses and friends to raise families, contribute to our communities as our talents dictate, and seek out answers to our deepest questions without intermediaries.”—“To Do the Business of the Church: A Cooperative Paradigm for Examining Gendered Participation Within Church Organizational Structure” by Neylan McBaine  Aug 2, 2012 Fair Mormon
It is my hope that we appreciate our independence and opportunities. That we will make choices and pursue knowledge that will help us realize our divine potential and go with us into eternity.
Sister Chris Jackson
First Counselor Centralia Stake Relief Society