Welcome to the Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog

This blog is designed to be a bulletin and chronicle for the women of the Centralia Washington Stake Relief Society. It is intended to be a resource of past and upcoming events, news, announcements and information related to the Centralia Stake Relief Society. The Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog also provides quick links to other websites (LDS related). THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SITE FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

                      Finding Peace in Imperfection
Excerpts shared from a talk by Elizabeth Lloyd Lund
from LDS Family Services, In turn shared by Stacy
Heredia 2nd counselor in Centralia Stake Relief Society

"One of the misperceptions that we may struggle with
during this earth life has to do with the concept of
perfection. Many falsely believe that we must achieve
perfection in this life in order to be saved or exalted.
Turning to our Heavenly Father in imperfection requires
humility. This process is described in Ether:"If men
come unto me I will show them their weakness. I give
unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my
grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves
before me; for if they humble themselves before me,
and have faith in me, then will I make weak things
become strong unto them" Ether 12:27
When we are humble, our Father in Heaven will open
His arms to us and help us learn from our weaknesses.
There is a difference between feeling humbled and
feeling of little worth or value. Humility draws us
closer to the Lord, while shame and guilt can drive us
away from the Lord. God does not want us to
denigrate ourselves and feel that we have little worth
in His eyes. This is hurtful to Him and to us. It's
important to recognize that we are worth the time and
effort it takes to change. Part of what this earth life is
about is finding ways to change our weaknesses. Some
weaknesses may be life long battles, while others can
be overcome more quickly.
Thoughts become our Reality
I know there are many who have had feelings of
imperfection and insecurity, whether in a calling, as a
parent, or just in general. These feelings can cause us to
hide our talents and hold back from others or feel
discouragement, anxiety or depression. Our thoughts
about ourselves significantly influence our behaviors
and feelings. Many of us say things to ourselves that
we would never say to another person. This in turn,
holds us back from our true potential and diminishes
our abilities and talents. President Ezra Taft Benson
(1899-1994) said, "Satan is increasingly striving to
overcome the Saints with despair, discouragement,
despondency and depression." Fortunately "the only
opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly
Father thinks of us, " taught Elder J. Devn Cornish
of the Seventy. "Please sincerely ask Him what He
thinks of you. He will love and correct but never
discourage us; that is Satan's trick."
Imperfection is an Opportunity
We are on earth to have joy, and part of that joy is
what we create, what we believe, and what we
accept. If we accept that we are flawed children of
God who are learning as we go, we can accept our
imperfections. Expecting immediate perfection
would be denying us the opportunity for growth.
We would be denying the gift of repentance and the
power of Jesus Christ and His atonement in our lives.
In order to grow from our weaknesses, we must turn
to the Lord with faith, hope, and an understanding
that He will hold us in the palm of His hand.
President Russel M. Nelson, has counseled: "To the
individual who is weak in the heart, fearful in the
heart, be patient with yourself. Perfection comes
not in this life but in the next life. Don't demand
things that are unreasonable. But demand of yourself
improvement. As you let the Lord help you through
that, He will make the difference."
As we focus on the good, rely on the Lord and His
atonement, and accept and learn from our
imperfections, we can remove unrealistic
expectations of ourselves and strive for goodness and
happiness in our lives. We will be at peace with our
imperfections and find comfort in Gods redeeming
love. We will find joy in our hearts knowing that the
plan of salvation can lead us back to our Heavenly
Father as we make our best efforts, imperfect as they
are, to be worthy to live with Him again.

This talk in it's entirety with references can be found
through 2018 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

                            My Sister's Keeper
                    I grow as I serve my sisters

Sister's I don't know about you but i am ALWAYS busy. Between
children, my husband, school, church callings, sports, music lessons,
caring for the house, helping with my extended family, and all the
other things I am responsible for, Sometimes I feel like I don't have
a single second to spare.

I would like to share with you something that happened to me a
couple of weeks ago.
It was one of those days. I had spent all day doing things for
everyone around me. Then I received a message from a friend
that I hadn't seen in a while........asking for a favor.

I didn't want to do it. I really, REALLY didn't want to do it. I thought
of all the excuses I could make (and I had some great ones!) I thought
about how it would inconvenience me, how I already had so much on
my plate. I wanted to pretend like I had never seen the message, maybe
wait to respond for a couple of weeks so I could mentally prepare, or do
the favor on my timetable. I wanted to say no, but I didn't.

I got to her house and I remembered how much I love this friend that
I hadn't seen for such a long time. I hugged her and I caught up on her
life. I saw how much her children had grown. I smiled and laughed and
I did a favor for her.
When things had calmed down and we were alone, she told me that she
was going through a very difficult time. That she felt so alone. That she
had no one to talk to, no one to help her get through this hard time.
She cried on my shoulder.....and I knew I was exactly where I was
supposed to be.

This is from a talk by Jean B. Bingham during the April 2018 General
"Sometimes we think we have to do something grand and heroic to
count as serving our neighbors.Yet simple acts of service can have
profound effects on others as well as ourselves."

Although I helped my friend, I learned something. I learned that
helping others is necessary.
Helping is hard. Helping others helps me. This really brought
home to me that I am my sister's keeper. We need each other to share
the joys, the sorrows, the triumphs, and the trials with. Guess what?
That visit didn't make my life easier. In fact, I told her I would come
back to talk, to help, to do what I could to ease her burden.

And I have.

And I am so glad I did.

"The Savior is our example in everything. Not only in what we should
do but why we should do it. His life on earth was an invitation to us to
raise our sights a little higher. To forget our own problems and to reach
out to others."

I am so glad I followed the example of my Savior.

Next time I will do it with a better attitude.

Written by Elisabeth Mattson, Secretary Centralia Stake Relief Society
Sisters, Are you considering going to College?
                          Pathway Connect is:
                                   Low Cost
                                   Gospel Based
Registration is open Now! Check it out at:
byupw.org or call Elder and Sister Pollard
for more information: 360-870-2374

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thank You for your Generous Contributions to
               the Children's Book Drive
gathered at last Friday evenings Special Event.
Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 We delivered   950
Books to Local Women's and Children's Shelters.
"The love of Reading is one of the greatest gifts a
parent or grandparent can give a child."
"The more that you read, the more things you will
know. The more that you learn, the more places
you'll go.                                Dr. Suess

"A book is like a garden, carried in the pocket."
                                               Chinese proverb
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to
 the body."                              Sir Richard Steele
"Read at every wait; read at all hours; read within
leisure; read in times of labor;
read as one goes in, read as one goes out. The task
of the educated mind is simply put; read to lead."
                                           Marcus Tullius Cicero
"Reading is a way for me to expand my mind,
open my eyes and fill up my heart."
                    Thank You Again!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

                               You are cordially invited to attend a
                    ALL ADULTS, Sisters and Brothers, 18 and older
     Friday May 18, 2018 at Centralia Stake bldg. Jackson Hwy. Chehalis
4:00 pm We will begin collecting donated books in the YW room
5:00 pm Book exchange will begin.
6:00 pm Delicious light dinner served
6:30 pm Begin seating in Chapel *Songwriter, Singer Clarissa Gifford will
6:40 pm Presentation by *Guest Speaker, Teacher, Trainer Michael Forsyth
9:00 pm Evening will conclude after delectable desserts are served
              Church dress      No childcare provided
*Michael Forsyth will share breakthrough concepts that can truly change the
way we see everyone in our lives, especially those with which we share a
tangled or troubled relationship. We can truly see and understand people better
by working on four areas of focus that Michael will address. Michael will
conclude with a story about his heart healing after being unable to forgive a
particular individual for most of his entire life.
Jesus asks us to Love one another. Even our enemies. Come find out how we
can truly change our hearts and see people through new eyes and with
improved perception.

In conjunction with this event we will be collecting donated New or Gently
used Children's books to be distributed to local Women and children's shelters.
Children's books may be brought to your ward Relief Society Humanitarian
Aid committee beginning immediately.
Books for exchange may be brought the evening of May 18th after 4 pm.
You may exchange as many adult books that you bring.
Books must be church appropriate. No children's books will be available
for the exchange
All non church related books that are not exchanged will be distributed to
local shelters.
We look forward to spending this very special evening with each of you.
Please Invite a friend including those to whom you minister.
Addie Simper, President, Centralia Stake Relief Society
Sally Montgomery, 1st Counselor
Stacy Heredia, 2nd Counselor
Elisabeth Mattson, Secretary

Saturday, December 23, 2017

It is our hope and prayer that all is well with you at this Christmas season. As we collectively celebrate the miracle of the dear Savior's birth we do hope that you will be mightily blessed with the joy and peace of the season. God's message to all the world so long ago is the same today, which is that His son, Jesus Christ was the "bright and morning star" (Revelation 22:16) He was "the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world..."(John 1:9) It is His light that brings us out of personal darkness into a brightness filled with hope. May we always remember that Jesus Christ is the "Light which shineth in darkness." D&C 10:58) In every season of our lives, in all of the challenges we may encounter, and in each hardship we may face the Savior is the light that dispels fear, provides assurance and direction, and engenders enduring peace and joy in our hearts. Our prayer is that Jesus Christ will give you the strength and comfort you need to persevere along your life journey and that you will find true joy during this Christmas season.
Sincerely Yours,
Centralia Stake Presidency,
President Ken Smith
President Joseph Alexander
President Viliami Hafoka

Dear Sisters of the Centralia Stake,
Our greeting to you this Christmas time comes with hope that the faith you have nurtured as you live in quiet faith from day to day will continue to fill your heart and sustain you throughout all your tomorrows. May you know that your service to others is meaningful in Heavenly Father's Plan and helps in small and large ways to build up The Kingdom of God. You are part of His marvelous design and you help others find their way through the winding path of life's great journey. Your righteous example can lend hope and strength to others. We pray that you will feel the happiness and peace that accompanies the spirit of The Lord and wish you a Christmas that sparkles with love and goodwill as we honor and celebrate the birth, life and mission of our beautiful Savior. We have much to celebrate knowing that because He lived, we too shall live again. He lives! Our kind, wise, heavenly friend!
Love and warmest wishes for a merry and bright New Year!
The Centralia Stake Relief Society,
President Addie Simper
1st Counselor, Sally Montgomery
2nd Counselor Stacy Heredia
Secretary, Heidi Simper

Saturday, November 11, 2017

When Christ says to the poor in spirit,
"Come unto me," he means
He knows the way Out
and He knows the way Up.
                              Jeffrey R. Holland