Welcome to the Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog

This blog is designed to be a bulletin and chronicle for the women of the Centralia Washington Stake Relief Society. It is intended to be a resource of past and upcoming events, news, announcements and information related to the Centralia Stake Relief Society. The Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog also provides quick links to other websites (LDS related). THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SITE FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Stake Relief Society Presidency Message

I love Springtime. The sunshine is out in all its glory, the birds are twitterpated, newborn lambs are frolicking around. It brings out the reality of the resurrection. Going from the cold, darkness and deadness of the winter to warmth, sunlight and new life. 
I was awake early Easter morning and pondered upon how excited Jesus must have felt on that glorious morning, when He would soon show himself to those he loved and prove that He had overcome all, that He WAS resurrected and had fulfilled his earthly mission. What a glorious day... what a glorious message. Because of the Atonement and Resurrection we can all live with our Heavenly Father forever.
I am now excited about General Conference this coming weekend. I testify that our leaders are inspired. Heavenly Father loves each one of us and wants us to complete the mission that we came to earth to fulfill. General Conference is personal. If we listen closely we hear Heavenly Father speaking personally to us. I love what President Uchtdorf said in April 2010. 
- Members of the Church are entitled to personal revelation as they listen to and study the inspired words spoken at general conference.
―As you prepare for general conference, I invite you to ponder questions you need to have answered. For example, you might yearn for direction and guidance by the Lord regarding challenges you are facing.
―Answers to your specific prayers may come directly from a particular talk or from a specific phrase. At other times answers may come in a seemingly unrelated word, phrase, or song. A heart filled with gratitude for the blessings of life and an earnest desire to hear and follow the words of counsel will prepare the way for personal revelation -―No Ordinary Blessing - Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign, April 2010 
I love this message from President Henry B. Eyring.
Sisters, be the Saviors hands. Encourage, love and uplift one another the way he does. Keep the Faith and Endure to the End.
Sister Best 2nd Counselor in the Centralia Stake Relief Society.

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