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Welcome to the Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog
This blog is designed to be a bulletin and chronicle for the women of the Centralia Washington Stake Relief Society. It is intended to be a resource of past and upcoming events, news, announcements and information related to the Centralia Stake Relief Society. The Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog also provides quick links to other websites (LDS related). THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SITE FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Counting Our Blessings
First let me express my gratitude to our Heavenly Father for inspiring our Stake Presidency to offer the "Strengthening Marriage and Family Relationships Conference" in October. I am thankful for the speakers and caterer and for all who participated. I was especially grateful when the next day my husband came into the kitchen and offered to help with dinner preparations! And for the discussion and planning that it provoked in our marriage. WE are so blessed as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
Each November our hearts turn to counting our blessings. Although this should be a daily habit, we can renew our efforts to offer up to the Lord our gratitude for all with which He has blessed us.
Hear are a couple of exercises that might be fun for individual families.
*Name a blessing for every letter of the word November. Here is my list:
N is for the Nativity, Christ's birth
O is for the Overwhelming love I feel from our Heavenly Father
V is for the Very details of my life, in which He is involved and aware of
E is for the Everlasting truths of the Gospel
M is for the Marvelous creations
B is for my Baptismal covenant that Blesses me and opens the door
E is for the Eternal nature of families
R is for Repentance and the Resurrection
Your lists will be better, I am sure. I kept thinking of more words for each letter but this will suffice.
* Once a week offer a prayer that is solely giving thanks, asking nothing. You'll be amazed at how hard it is to not slip in a request, but also how your appreciation for blessings is increased.
We know the Lord requires a grateful heart.
Let us be more diligent in keeping our gratitude journals, giving prayers of thanks, writing notes of thanks, expressing appreciation and so forth. Of course living more faithfully is a great way of showing our gratitude to our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. Serving one another is a key exhibition of thanks as well. May we all have an increased Attitude of Gratitude!
Sister Christine Jackson
1st Counselor Centralia Stake Relief Society
Each November our hearts turn to counting our blessings. Although this should be a daily habit, we can renew our efforts to offer up to the Lord our gratitude for all with which He has blessed us.
Hear are a couple of exercises that might be fun for individual families.
*Name a blessing for every letter of the word November. Here is my list:
N is for the Nativity, Christ's birth
O is for the Overwhelming love I feel from our Heavenly Father
V is for the Very details of my life, in which He is involved and aware of
E is for the Everlasting truths of the Gospel
M is for the Marvelous creations
B is for my Baptismal covenant that Blesses me and opens the door
E is for the Eternal nature of families
R is for Repentance and the Resurrection
Your lists will be better, I am sure. I kept thinking of more words for each letter but this will suffice.
* Once a week offer a prayer that is solely giving thanks, asking nothing. You'll be amazed at how hard it is to not slip in a request, but also how your appreciation for blessings is increased.
We know the Lord requires a grateful heart.
Let us be more diligent in keeping our gratitude journals, giving prayers of thanks, writing notes of thanks, expressing appreciation and so forth. Of course living more faithfully is a great way of showing our gratitude to our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. Serving one another is a key exhibition of thanks as well. May we all have an increased Attitude of Gratitude!
Sister Christine Jackson
1st Counselor Centralia Stake Relief Society
Monday, October 14, 2013
Accepting the Will of God
God uses love inspired correction to guide us to a future we do not or cannot now envision but which He knows is the better way for us.
Monday, September 2, 2013
General Relief Society Broadcast
September Presidency Message
In the mortal experience of each of us—predominantly
during our teen years—most of us have returned home later than we promised or
beyond the time we were expected. Likely a parent or guardian had anxiously
awaited the arrival, then asked: “Where have you been?” That inquiry was
probably followed with other questions such as “Who were you with?” or “What
were you doing?”
Depending on the rules of the home, and the frequency
that this infraction had been committed, punishment or loss of privileges were
probably handed out. After a set period of time or completion of restoring
actions, we were granted release and allowed to return to our normal routine,
promising to never break the trust and rules again.
If we had followed the rules in the first place, we
would not have disappointed others, not destroyed trust, not been punished, and
not lost privileges. Additionally, we would not have had to work so hard and
long to be forgiven, and to regain trust.
At some point, each of us will have to stand before Our
Heavenly Parent and may be asked “Where have you been?”, “Who were you with?”,
“What were you doing?” Will our mortal
actions and associations allow us to feel comfortable with our answers?
He will know
where we have been, who we were with, and what we have done. But, with our
answers, are we sure His reply will be “Well
done, thou good and faithful servant … enter thou into the joy of thy
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
August Presidency Message : Recognize Your Individual Worth
I hope you are
all enjoying this beautiful summer weather. I am LOVING it.
I recently saw
this video and want to share it with all. I LOVE it. We are unique, divine
individuals created by a Heavenly Father who loves us so much and stands ready
to dispatch a legion of angels to our aid. If only we could see beyond the
veil we would be overwhelmed at how much power is at our fingertips.
A concert for
Great news is
that as of August 2012, Chase Burch was 5 years cancer
I hope you will never be afraid to seek Heavenly Father in prayer
and ask for blessings. I hope you never miss the opportunity to ask for
priesthood blessings because you feel insignificant, or you don't want to
trouble someone. YOU are noticed, YOU are loved and YOU are important to Him.
What you do and say is recorded in Heaven. The angels are our
I love this quote, by Bonnie Rickner Jensen
“God made you on
purpose. You’re not an afterthought, you’re not on earth ‘just because’ and
you’re not a random act of His creativity. You were given his 100% stamp of
approval from head to toe before you were even born – and the moment you were,
He beamed with joy”
pray that you all recognize and feel your individual worth.
Sister Best
Second Counselor, Centralia Stake Relief Society
Saturday, July 6, 2013
July Presidency Message
"Know this, that every soul is free, to chose his life and what he'll be; for this eternal truth is giv'n: That God will force no man to heav'n" (Hymn#240) We are so very blessed to live in this free land! As members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are eternally blessed to have the fullness of the Gospel to guide us in our choices. We have the blessings of repentance and forgiveness to keep ourselves free from sin. We have the guidance of a living prophet, the scriptures and the Holy Ghost to bless us in tour use of agency.
Helaman 14:30-31 "Remember, remember...for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free."
2 Nephi 10:23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves--to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life."
This month, as we ponder the sacrifices and heritage given us by the founding fathers of this nation and the early Saints who pioneered this restored gospel, may we choose wisely what we'll be.
"May we, no more our pow'rs abuse, but ways of truth and goodness choose; Our God is pleased when we improve His grace and see his perfect love."
With love, gratitude for our freedoms, and hope for a better me and you,
Sister Chris Jackson
Second Counselor
Centralia Stake Relief Society
Helaman 14:30-31 "Remember, remember...for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free."
2 Nephi 10:23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves--to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life."
This month, as we ponder the sacrifices and heritage given us by the founding fathers of this nation and the early Saints who pioneered this restored gospel, may we choose wisely what we'll be.
"May we, no more our pow'rs abuse, but ways of truth and goodness choose; Our God is pleased when we improve His grace and see his perfect love."
With love, gratitude for our freedoms, and hope for a better me and you,
Sister Chris Jackson
Second Counselor
Centralia Stake Relief Society
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Earthly Father, Heavenly Father
Sisters may we honor the men in our lives, our fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, grandfathers and our Heavenly Father. May we realize the important role that they play in our earthly experience here and now. As we support and sustain them as they fulfill their divine assignment to watch over and care for their families we will be blessed as their daughters, wives, mothers, and grandmothers. Happy Father's Day to the wonderful men in our lives.
As you watch the video above and read the quotes below may each of us know of the love of father's.
With Love,
Sister Sallye Johnston
Centralia Stake Relief Society President
President Ezra Taft Benson: "Fathers, yours is an eternal calling from which you are never released. Callings in the Church, as important as they are, by their very nature are only for a period of time, and then an appropriate release takes place. But a father's calling is eternal, and its importance transcends time. It is a calling for both time and eternity" ("To the Fathers in Israel," Ensign, Nov 1987, 48.)
President Howard W. Hunter: "We encourage you, brethren, to remember that priesthood is a righteous authority only. Earn the respect and confidence of your children through your loving relationship with them. A righteous father protects his children with his time and presence in their social, educational, and spiritual activities and responsibilities. Tender expressions of love and affection toward children are as much the responsibility of the father as the mother. Tell your children you love them" ("Being a Righteous Husband and Father," Ensign, Nov 1994, 49.)
Elder L. Tom Perry: "Fathers, by divine decree, you are to preside over your family units. This is a sobering responsibility and the most important one you will ever assume, for it is an eternal responsibility. You place the family in its proper priority. It's the part of your life that will endure beyond the grave" ("Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling," Ensign, May 2004, 69.)
President Gordon B. Hinckley: "God bless you, dear fathers. May He bless you with wisdom and judgment, with understanding, with self-discipline and self-control, with faith and kindness and love. And may He bless the sons and daughters who have come into your homes, that yours may be a fortifying, strengthening, guiding hand as they walk the treacherous path of life. As the years pass—and they will pass ever so quickly—may you know that "peace... which passeth all understanding" (Philip. 4:7) as you look upon your sons and daughters, who likewise have known that sacred and wonderful peace. Such is my humble prayer, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen" ("'Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children'," Ensign, Nov 2000, 50.)
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Presidency Message May, 2013
This month we celebrate motherhood-those who love and nurture and sacrifice, whether or not they have been blessed with children of their own. A day to honor mothers is well-deserved and important. Some women have mixed feelings about all the attention. They are not used to spending much time thinking about themselves. Most feel they fall short of the ideal. Some, though skilled nurturers, know a deep longing for motherhood that does not seem to go away.
If motherhood did not matter so much, it would not merit such feelings of the heart. Because motherhood is a sacred responsibility of boundless importance, it induces these deep feelings.
Motherhood is a description of a person who loves another more than life itself. No two mothers are alike, but they share common purpose, whether they are mothering their own or stepping in with just the right touch or attending someone they love. Mothers are not perfect; they readily admit they are learning on the job-one that calls for wisdom, sacrifice, patience, love, and the willingness to lift others' burdens as well as their own. Regarding those who feel overwhelmed in their motherhood duties, Sister Majorie Pay Hinckley stated, "Relax! We just do the best we can with the help of the Lord."
A mother is the one who encourages us to believe that dreams can come true and who inspires us, in spite of our doubts and fears, to believe in ourselves and do our best. When we succeed, she is the first to say, "I knew you could do it." She is a teammate, coach, and cheerleader . Mothers nurture and love, create homes of warmth and safety, cultivate strengths and see potential.
Hers is the comforting hand that caresses our fevered brows. It is in her arms that we seek consolation when our hearts are breaking. Her tender eyes brim with tears when we suffer; and when we are lost, she fills the heavens with prayers, pleading that we may be found.
In the third verse of the LDS hymn "O My Father" (Hymn # 292) are the words: "...In the heav'ns are parents single? No, the thought makes reason stare! Truth is reason; truth eternal tells me I've a mother there." Since families ,, with a father and a mother, are so important in this mortal life, it is only sensible that we have a Heavenly Mother as well as Our Heavenly Father. She is the only woman who would be the PERFECT mother. Here on earth, not a single one is expected to be perfect-or close to it.
Mother Teresa, known the world over for her great compassion, was once asked what she considered the most significant honor she had ever received. There were many to choose from, including the Nobel Peace Prize. But she surprised her questioner when she replied, "The title Mother." She had not birthed children of her own, but was known as "Mother" to thousands-teaching, listening, comforting, encouraging, serving, loving.
This month, and always, we thank the Lord for mothers-ALL those who provide "mothering" whether they have given birth or not-each playing such an important role in the lives of children.
Happy Mother's Day!
Sister Val Walsh
Centralia Stake Relief Society Secretary
If motherhood did not matter so much, it would not merit such feelings of the heart. Because motherhood is a sacred responsibility of boundless importance, it induces these deep feelings.
Motherhood is a description of a person who loves another more than life itself. No two mothers are alike, but they share common purpose, whether they are mothering their own or stepping in with just the right touch or attending someone they love. Mothers are not perfect; they readily admit they are learning on the job-one that calls for wisdom, sacrifice, patience, love, and the willingness to lift others' burdens as well as their own. Regarding those who feel overwhelmed in their motherhood duties, Sister Majorie Pay Hinckley stated, "Relax! We just do the best we can with the help of the Lord."
A mother is the one who encourages us to believe that dreams can come true and who inspires us, in spite of our doubts and fears, to believe in ourselves and do our best. When we succeed, she is the first to say, "I knew you could do it." She is a teammate, coach, and cheerleader . Mothers nurture and love, create homes of warmth and safety, cultivate strengths and see potential.
Hers is the comforting hand that caresses our fevered brows. It is in her arms that we seek consolation when our hearts are breaking. Her tender eyes brim with tears when we suffer; and when we are lost, she fills the heavens with prayers, pleading that we may be found.
In the third verse of the LDS hymn "O My Father" (Hymn # 292) are the words: "...In the heav'ns are parents single? No, the thought makes reason stare! Truth is reason; truth eternal tells me I've a mother there." Since families ,, with a father and a mother, are so important in this mortal life, it is only sensible that we have a Heavenly Mother as well as Our Heavenly Father. She is the only woman who would be the PERFECT mother. Here on earth, not a single one is expected to be perfect-or close to it.
Mother Teresa, known the world over for her great compassion, was once asked what she considered the most significant honor she had ever received. There were many to choose from, including the Nobel Peace Prize. But she surprised her questioner when she replied, "The title Mother." She had not birthed children of her own, but was known as "Mother" to thousands-teaching, listening, comforting, encouraging, serving, loving.
This month, and always, we thank the Lord for mothers-ALL those who provide "mothering" whether they have given birth or not-each playing such an important role in the lives of children.
Happy Mother's Day!
Sister Val Walsh
Centralia Stake Relief Society Secretary
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
April Stake Relief Society Presidency Message
I love Springtime. The sunshine is out in all its
glory, the birds are twitterpated, newborn lambs are frolicking around. It
brings out the reality of the resurrection. Going from the cold, darkness and
deadness of the winter to warmth, sunlight and new life.
I was awake early Easter morning and pondered upon how
excited Jesus must have felt on that glorious morning, when He would soon show
himself to those he loved and prove that He had overcome all,
that He WAS resurrected and had fulfilled his earthly mission.
What a glorious day... what a glorious message. Because of the Atonement and
Resurrection we can all live with our Heavenly Father
I am now excited about General Conference this coming
weekend. I testify that our leaders are inspired. Heavenly Father loves each one
of us and wants us to complete the mission that we came to earth to fulfill.
General Conference is personal. If we listen closely we hear Heavenly Father
speaking personally to us. I love what President Uchtdorf said in April
- Members of the Church are entitled to
personal revelation as they listen to and study the inspired words spoken at
general conference.
―As you prepare for general conference, I invite you to
ponder questions you need to have answered. For example, you might yearn for
direction and guidance by the Lord regarding challenges you are facing.
―Answers to your specific prayers may come directly from a particular talk or from a specific phrase. At other times answers may come in a seemingly unrelated word, phrase, or song. A heart filled with gratitude for the blessings of life and an earnest desire to hear and follow the words of counsel will prepare the way for personal revelation -―No Ordinary Blessing - Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign, April 2010
Sisters, be the Saviors
hands. Encourage, love and uplift one another the way he does. Keep the Faith
and Endure to the End.
Sister Best 2nd Counselor in the Centralia Stake Relief Society.
―Answers to your specific prayers may come directly from a particular talk or from a specific phrase. At other times answers may come in a seemingly unrelated word, phrase, or song. A heart filled with gratitude for the blessings of life and an earnest desire to hear and follow the words of counsel will prepare the way for personal revelation -―No Ordinary Blessing - Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign, April 2010
I love this message from
President Henry B. Eyring.
Sister Best 2nd Counselor in the Centralia Stake Relief Society.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
March Stake Relief Society Presidency Message

In the early days of the formation of the Relief Society, Lucy Mack Smith, described this sisterhood in these words: "We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together."
At our February 9th Stake Women's conference, "Temple & Home, Our Refuge From the World", we felt the spirit of what Sister Smith was describing. Sisters (and a few brethren) came from all over Lewis County to renew friendships, learn and share, strengthen and enjoy one another ! We witnessed the cherishing, watch care, comforting and instruction you all shared in that day !
It was such a fun and spirit filled event and we want to thank you all who presented as well as those who attended and partook of what was offered. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm, your contributions and feedback !
Then seeing many of you and your families at Stake Conference the next week was a bonus !
this month of March we celebrate the founding and organizing of this great society of women that now spans the earth ! As a Stake Relief society presidency, we look forward to visiting as many of these as we can. We would love to be at every one of your celebrations but have to "divide and conquer" to be represented at those that are held on the same night. We love rubbing shoulders with you and feeling that sisterhood !
On the LDS.ORG website there are so many new resources weekly ! Be sure to check it out frequently...In conjunction with the April 2013 general conference, the Relief society general presidency will be providing training for stake and ward Relief Society leaders.
Sister Chris Jackson 1st Counselor
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Presidency Message January, 2013
At the beginning of each new year we feel a sense of renewal and a chance to start over. New beginnings are all around us. They can be invigorating. something about starting over generates energy and commitment. Blank pages of a new calendar can give us a sense of opportunity, possibility, and even resolve. We work a little harder, reach a little farther, and somehow do a little more. What may have seemed out of reach just days before suddenly eenters the realm of possibility when a new year comes.
We all have successes in our past, just as we remember things we wish we had done a little better. But we need not become discouraged about our past mistakes any more than we should become too comfortable with our past accomplishments. Many mistakes can be corrected, just as many successes can be improved. Now might be a good time to reevaluate our goals and aspirations,, rethink our direction and purpose in life, and refocus our efforts and energy on worthwhile endeavors.
There is nothing in life quite like the feeling of cleanliness: clean clothes, clean house, clean hands, clean thoughts, clean hearts. A sense of cleanliness come with clearing out anything that is unworthy of us, putting out prejudice and pettiness, and repenting of the past. A new year invites us to wash away the negatives and take a fresh, clean look at ourselves and our surroundings. It brings an opportunity of clearing away the "litter": cleaning out old errors, false attitudes, gossip and grudges, envy, indolence, thoughtless acts and utterances. We should endeavor to practice less cynicism, less frustration, less despair, and more keeping the Lord's commandments, along with more repentance.
If you are one who makes "resolutions" as a new year opens, here are a few suggestions to include in your listing: study the scriptures every day, go to the Temple more often, spend more time with family, give more service to others,, and prayerfully consider choices.
We all have successes in our past, just as we remember things we wish we had done a little better. But we need not become discouraged about our past mistakes any more than we should become too comfortable with our past accomplishments. Many mistakes can be corrected, just as many successes can be improved. Now might be a good time to reevaluate our goals and aspirations,, rethink our direction and purpose in life, and refocus our efforts and energy on worthwhile endeavors.
There is nothing in life quite like the feeling of cleanliness: clean clothes, clean house, clean hands, clean thoughts, clean hearts. A sense of cleanliness come with clearing out anything that is unworthy of us, putting out prejudice and pettiness, and repenting of the past. A new year invites us to wash away the negatives and take a fresh, clean look at ourselves and our surroundings. It brings an opportunity of clearing away the "litter": cleaning out old errors, false attitudes, gossip and grudges, envy, indolence, thoughtless acts and utterances. We should endeavor to practice less cynicism, less frustration, less despair, and more keeping the Lord's commandments, along with more repentance.
If you are one who makes "resolutions" as a new year opens, here are a few suggestions to include in your listing: study the scriptures every day, go to the Temple more often, spend more time with family, give more service to others,, and prayerfully consider choices.
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