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This blog is designed to be a bulletin and chronicle for the women of the Centralia Washington Stake Relief Society. It is intended to be a resource of past and upcoming events, news, announcements and information related to the Centralia Stake Relief Society. The Centralia Stake Relief Society Blog also provides quick links to other websites (LDS related). THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SITE FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Presidency Message August 2012

In THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, one of the greatest blessings that we may enjoy is the opportunity to attend the temple. Currently, there are 137 temples in operation around the world, with several dozen more announced or under construction. With the number ever increasing, the geographical distance between our homes and the temples is growing closer, and we have little-or no-excuse to avoid attendance.
In the temple, we are taught. We make covenants. We are promised blessings, and we can worship. The temple IS a place of worship. President Hinckley has stated that "these unique and wonderful buildings, and the ordinances administered therein, represent the ultimate in our worship..."

Entering the temple is a sacred privilege. The temple is where we may feel closer to our Heavenly Father than any other place on earth. There we are surrounded by Hiis love, His understanding, His comfort, and His joy in having us present. When we enter any dedicated temple, we are in the house of the Lord; and should conduct ourselves in respect, the same as we would as a guest in other homes.

Members of the Church who make themselves eligible and worthy can participate in redeeming ordinances in the temple. Each of us may go to the temple to receive the saving priesthood ordinances performed there for ourselves, or for those who have died without having had the same opportunity. The temple ordinances encompass the whole plan of salvation.

elder Robert D. Hales stated: "...The primary purpose of the temple is to provide the ordinances necessary for our exaltation in the celestial kingdom. Temple ordinances guide us to our Savior and give us the blessings that come to us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Temples are the greatest university of learning known to man, giving us knowledge, and wisdom about the Creation of the world..." (Blessings of the Temple, Ensign, Oct 2009, 46-49)

The covenants we make-with the associated ordinances we receive-in the temple become our credentials for admission into God's presence. These ceremonies-as President Hinckley was fond of saying-are "sacred,not secret". The details are not discussed outside the temple.

The Spirit of the Holy Ghost is the teacher in the temple. He teaches principles of eternal significance. It is during these instructions that we see the relationship between earthly and the eternal. We can increase our understanding of the eternal plan. If we enter the temple seeking added light and knowledge, we can learn and understand something new during each temple experience.

When members of the Church are troubled or when crucial decisions weigh heavily upon our minds, it is a common thing for us to go to the temple. It is a good place to take our cares. In the temple, we can receive spiritual perspective. There, we are "out of the world". Sometimes our minds are so beset with problems and there are so many things clamoring for attention-all at once-that we just cannot think or see clearly. At the temple, distraction seems to settle, the fog and the haze seem to lift, and we can "see"things that we were not able to see before; and find a way through our troubles that we had not previously known.

In a world that is ripening in iniquity (see D&C 18:6), members of the Church face the challenge of sustaining a pattern of obedience to gospel principles that will result in their being increasingly different from the general behavioral trends of the world. This requires all of the spiritual reinforcement that can be drawn upon. As we contemplate the challenge of living faithful, happy, fulfilling lives, we must draw upon all of the spiritual powers available to us. The temple is a principle source for the renewal of these powers.

An apostle who served over 50 years ago, Elder John A. Widtsoe, made this remarkable statement: "When the history of human thought shall be written from the point of view of temple worship, it may well be found that temples and the work done in them have been the dominating influence in shaping human thought from the beginning of the race."

If you hold a current temple recommend, I petition that you use it often. If you do not have one, I encourage you to schedule an appointment with your Bishop and begin the qualification process. The ONLY way we can live again in the presence of Our Heavenly Father is by receiving the Priesthood ordinances in the temple, and honoring the covenants made through them.

May we attend there often and enhance our temple experiences with a spirit of worship, and in doing so, be blessed by the Lord and become prepared to live in His holy presence.

Sister Val Walsh
Centralia Stake Relief Society Presidency

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