We loved getting together with many of our sisters for our January 28th Stake Relief Society Women's Conference! We are thankful for our presenters as well as attendees. We are blessed to have a Stake Presidency who supports our efforts and plans for the sisters of our stake ! They show love to us in many ways.
The Greeks had three words for love. Eros is the form of love most of us think of during February... it encompasses everything from "twitterpaited" as Thumper calls it in the Disney movie Bambi, to butterfly stomachs and warm fuzzy feelings to fickle flirtations or deep passion. Philia is the form that describes "brotherly love". This is the love of friendship and fellowship.
The third form is AGAPE. This is the type of love that Christ taught and exemplified. It transcends environment or someone's perception. It involves proactively seeking the well-being of another person. It doesn't have to be prompted by warm fuzzy feelings from another and can even be felt toward one's enemy.
Agape can rise above any environment and foster both eros and philia and therefore is greater than either. In John 13:35, Jesus taught His disciples that the world would know His people by them showing agape toward one another.
In lesson 2 of the Teachings of George Albert Smith, we learned a lot about Agape. "Our ministry is one of love. Our service is one which enriches our lives... If we are living as God intends that we should live, if we are ministering as he desires that we should minister, every day of our lives is enriched by the influence of his Spirit, our love to our fellowmen increases and our souls are enlarged until we feel that we could take into our arms all of God's children, with a desire to bless them to an understanding of truth".
As members of the Church of Christ, we should keep His commandments and love one another. Then our love should pass beyond the border lines of the Church with which we are identified, and reach out after the children of men.
Let us evidence by our conduct, by our gentleness, by our love, by our faith, that we do keep that great commandment that the Savior said was like unto the first great commandment, ' Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.'
The Lord said this:
'See that ye love one another ; cease to be covetous; learn to impart one to another as the gospel requires...
'And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace.' [D&C 88: 123, 125.]
During this month of hearts and flowers, chocolates and valentines exchanged, I hope we will reflect on the ministry of love with which we are charged. I know our lives will be more joyful and peace filled if we do.
Remember, Charity/Agape never faileth !
Sister Christine Jackson
Centralia Stake Relief Society First Counselor
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