Dear Sisters,
We hope that you each took advantage of the wonderful opportunity to hear
the messages presented by our General Authorities at General Conference. What a
blessing to be taught at the feet of a living prophet and those who serve with
him. Their testimonies of the mission of Jesus Christ, and other messages,
were born with boldness, clearness and love with the intent of reminding us
that God does live and that He loves us and wants to bless us; and does bless us
in immeasurable ways.
As sisters in Zion, it is our blessed duty to defend home and family and
to raise up righteous children unto the Lord; whether they be our own or others
over which we have stewardship. Prior to the General Women's Broadcast on March
28th, the Relief Societies from each ward in the Centralia Stake provided a
display of ways to economically do just that through "Self-Reliance and
Provident Living" with topics ranging from inexpensive gifts, to continuing
education, to ham radio operators and many others in between. Many, many
thanks to each of the wards for sharing your fabulous ideas. And, the yummy
home made bread, honey and honey butter!! If you need additional handouts or
information, please contact the respective Relief Society President.
Saving Money (Centralia)
Provident living gift ideas (Rochester)
Education/Literary (Chehalis)
Health (Toledo)
FHE/Spiritual (Tenino)
Communication (Adna)
Employment (Morton)
Recreation (Mt. Vista)
Bread-baking (Winlock)
We pray for each of you dear sisters as you endeavor faithfully to
strengthen your homes and families that you will make use of the many resources
available to you through the church. Please take time to visit or It will be well worth
your time.
We love you. Thank you for being you!!
Cathy Bentley
2nd Counselor