This month we celebrate motherhood-those who love and nurture and sacrifice, whether or not they have been blessed with children of their own. A day to honor mothers is well-deserved and important. Some women have mixed feelings about all the attention. They are not used to spending much time thinking about themselves. Most feel they fall short of the ideal. Some, though skilled nurturers, know a deep longing for motherhood that does not seem to go away.
If motherhood did not matter so much, it would not merit such feelings of the heart. Because motherhood is a sacred responsibility of boundless importance, it induces these deep feelings.
Motherhood is a description of a person who loves another more than life itself. No two mothers are alike, but they share common purpose, whether they are mothering their own or stepping in with just the right touch or attending someone they love. Mothers are not perfect; they readily admit they are learning on the job-one that calls for wisdom, sacrifice, patience, love, and the willingness to lift others' burdens as well as their own. Regarding those who feel overwhelmed in their motherhood duties, Sister Majorie Pay Hinckley stated, "Relax! We just do the best we can with the help of the Lord."
A mother is the one who encourages us to believe that dreams can come true and who inspires us, in spite of our doubts and fears, to believe in ourselves and do our best. When we succeed, she is the first to say, "I knew you could do it." She is a teammate, coach, and cheerleader . Mothers nurture and love, create homes of warmth and safety, cultivate strengths and see potential.
Hers is the comforting hand that caresses our fevered brows. It is in her arms that we seek consolation when our hearts are breaking. Her tender eyes brim with tears when we suffer; and when we are lost, she fills the heavens with prayers, pleading that we may be found.
In the third verse of the LDS hymn "O My Father" (Hymn # 292) are the words: "...In the heav'ns are parents single? No, the thought makes reason stare! Truth is reason; truth eternal tells me I've a mother there." Since families ,, with a father and a mother, are so important in this mortal life, it is only sensible that we have a Heavenly Mother as well as Our Heavenly Father. She is the only woman who would be the PERFECT mother. Here on earth, not a single one is expected to be perfect-or close to it.
Mother Teresa, known the world over for her great compassion, was once asked what she considered the most significant honor she had ever received. There were many to choose from, including the Nobel Peace Prize. But she surprised her questioner when she replied, "The title Mother." She had not birthed children of her own, but was known as "Mother" to thousands-teaching, listening, comforting, encouraging, serving, loving.
This month, and always, we thank the Lord for mothers-ALL those who provide "mothering" whether they have given birth or not-each playing such an important role in the lives of children.
Happy Mother's Day!
Sister Val Walsh
Centralia Stake Relief Society Secretary